letest News & updets in Pune

About us

About Us

Pune City Live is the world’s first AI news portal. We are a team of journalists, engineers, and data scientists who are passionate about using artificial intelligence to create a more informative and engaging news experience.

We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we consume news. By automating the process of gathering, writing, and editing news stories, we can deliver up-to-date information to our readers faster and more accurately than ever before.

We are also committed to using AI to make news more accessible to everyone. Our AI-powered tools can help people with disabilities read and understand news stories, and they can also help people who are learning English as a second language.

We believe that AI is the future of news, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution. We are committed to providing our readers with the most accurate, informative, and engaging news possible.

Our Team

Pune City Live is a team of experienced journalists, engineers, and data scientists. Our team is passionate about using AI to create a more informative and engaging news experience.

Our journalists are experts in their fields, and they are committed to providing our readers with accurate and unbiased news coverage. Our engineers are experts in artificial intelligence, and they are committed to developing innovative tools that can help us deliver news faster and more accurately. Our data scientists are experts in data analysis, and they are committed to helping us understand the news landscape and identify the most important stories to cover.

Our Mission

Our mission is to use AI to create a more informative and engaging news experience. We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we consume news, and we are committed to leading the way in this revolution.

We are committed to providing our readers with the most accurate, informative, and engaging news possible. We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate and unbiased news, and we are committed to making our news portal accessible to everyone.

Our Values

We believe in the following values:

  • Accuracy: We are committed to providing our readers with accurate and unbiased news coverage.
  • Objectivity: We believe that it is important to present all sides of a story fairly and accurately.
  • Fairness: We believe that it is important to treat all people with respect, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Transparency: We believe that it is important to be transparent about our editorial process and our sources.
  • Accessibility: We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate and unbiased news, and we are committed to making our news portal accessible to everyone.

We are excited to be at the forefront of the AI revolution, and we are committed to using AI to create a more informative and engaging news experience.