Sunrise time in pune today :

Sunrise Time in Pune Today

The sunrise time in Pune today is 5:59 AM. The sun will rise in the east and will set in the west at 7:03 PM. The day length will be 12 hours and 4 minutes. The sun will be at its highest point in the sky at 12:31 PM.

The sunrise time in Pune varies throughout the year. In the summer, the sun rises earlier and sets later. In the winter, the sun rises later and sets earlier.

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The sunrise time is also affected by the Earth’s tilt. The Earth’s tilt causes the seasons. In the summer, the Earth’s tilt is towards the sun, which means that the sun’s rays are more direct. This results in longer days and warmer temperatures. In the winter, the Earth’s tilt is away from the sun, which means that the sun’s rays are less direct. This results in shorter days and colder temperatures.

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The sunrise time is a beautiful time of day. It is a time to start the day with a fresh perspective. It is also a time to appreciate the beauty of nature.

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